Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gotta Love Some Freebies

Sean and I contributed to the economic stimulus of downtown Augusta today thanks to the "A Brand New Deal" coupon book. Who can pass up freebies? We went to Art on Broad for a candle, saw everyone going coupon crazy, bought one of the bright yellow coupon books and brightened up the dreary, drizzly afternoon by picking up free art prints, free Cokes, free bars of soap, free plants, candies, shampoo samples and more and buying more soap, candles and an Asian-inspired purse. So now I'm basking in the scent of our rosemary peppermint candle and enjoying the view of our new "Bees Knees" print while sitting on our couch and watching Star Wars. And thinking of my new almost-favorite store, the Quilt Shop on the Corner. I love the feel and look of new fabric on bolts and wish, wish, wish I could sew. They're setting up sewing classes, so looks like I might have a new activity!

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